COMPOST logo in blue over water reflections
COMPOST logo in blue over water reflections


mai ishikawa sutton and Tal Milovina

Traditional Dhow at the shore during sunset.
Traditional Dhow at the shore during sunset.

Trek into the Unknown

Chantal Onyango


Alexandra Kumala

Musselled Out

Dolly, Niall, Eamon Foreman, Elinor

Throwing a net around the sea

jacob sujin kuppermann

Ribeirão da Paciência

Portal sem porteiras

relating to the infinite


Distributed Press workmark written in black Gothic text on blue.
Distributed Press workmark written in black Gothic text on blue.

A New Medium for Your Messages

mai ishikawa sutton and mauve


COMPOST is a magazine about the digital commons. We curate art, reflections, and experiments about building the web as a shared resource with active stewards.

We approach COMPOST as a process to metabolize and renew our relationships with the web, to imagine and build interdependent, equitable, and solidarity-based systems of communication and knowledge sharing.

If you like what we’re doing, please consider becoming a subscriber, contributing money (or crypto through Gitcoin or directly to compostmag.eth).

Experiments with Publishing

Issues and Labs

We treat each issue of COMPOST as a lab. During the development of an issue, COMPOST contributors and the core team experiment with the design and governance of a digital commons. From January to May 2023, our Issue Three cohort has been thinking about creative collaboration, collectively supporting livelihoods, and growing our community sustainably.

A Distributed Press

We want creators to have more control over the means of digital publishing. We do this by building tools and testing approaches that support alternative publications.

Our magazine is published using the Distributed Press, a sister project of COMPOST. It is an open-source publishing tool for publishing to web and DWeb ecosystems including Interplanetary File System and Holepunch. We are also working on support for distributed social messages using ActivityPub. You can learn more about how we approach COMPOST and Distributed Press on our Wiki.

In order to find us on the DWeb, you will need a compatible browser. For example, you can view COMPOST by typing ipns:// into the address bar of the Opera Browser (desktop and mobile) or Brave Browser (desktop). You can also use the Agregore Browser to view COMPOST at both ipns:// and hyper:// Give it a try!


Issue Three Contributors

Alexandra Kumala, Chantal Makumbo Onyango, Dolly Church, Eamon Foreman, Elinor, Jacob Sujin Kuppermann, Jayashree Kurup, Jens Kimmel, lake, Niall Tessier-Lavigne, Olu Niyi-Awosusi, Portal Sem Porteiras, Shane Finan.


Lead Editor: mai ishikawa sutton
Editors: Tal Milovina

Publishing Tools

Sutty, Benedict Lau, Elon Li, Yurko


Vincent Charlebois, Sutty


lake, Hanami Sutton (Made By Super), Vincent Charlebois